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C++ meets TypeScript: bidirectional type interoperability in the Cheerp compiler

The latest nightly build of Cheerp includes powerful integration with TypeScript, a popular programming language that adds static type checking to JavaScript, allowing us to seamlessly share type information across C++ and TypeScript.

We have also completely overhauled Clientlib, including improved type information, support for co_await on JavaScript Promise objects, and much more.

There is lots to see, so let’s jump right in!

Alternatively, you can skip to the end for a cool demo, or take a look at the Clientlib migration guide.

Integration with jsexport

Cheerp makes it easy to expose C++ functions to JavaScript with the [[cheerp::jsexport]] attribute.

double square(double x) {
return x * x;
import initSquare from "./square.js";
const { square } = await initSquare();
console.log(square(2)); // prints "4"

Type checking

Note that the square function in C++ takes an argument of type double. When calling this function from C++, the compiler would ensure at compile time that we cannot pass, for example, a string to the square function. Let’s see what happens when we try to pass in a string from JavaScript.

console.log(square("hello")); // prints "NaN"

JavaScript will not give us any sort of error; we only get NaN. Mistakes like this can be easy to make, and it would be nice if we had a compiler to warn us about such mistakes.

This is where TypeScript comes in. When given a declaration for the square function, the TypeScript compiler can, at compile time, check that the arguments have the correct types. Let’s start by manually writing a declaration file.

export default function (): Promise<{
square(x: number): number;

Now, when we compile our code, the TypeScript compiler will yell at us if we try to pass a string to the square function.

index.ts:3:20 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
3 console.log(square("hello"));

It’s worth noting that these declaration files are beneficial for integration with IDEs as well. The error above could be displayed inside of the editor, and the type information is used to improve autocomplete, among other things.


Writing these declaration files by hand is a pain. We already wrote down the types once in C++, why do we have to repeat the same function signature again?

As you have probably guessed, Cheerp can now automatically generate TypeScript declaration files for us. Simply add the -cheerp-make-dts flag.

Terminal window
/opt/cheerp/bin/clang++ square.cpp \
-o square.js \
-target cheerp \
-cheerp-make-module=es6 \

After running this command, you should find a square.d.ts with content similar to what we wrote before.

Complex types

The TypeScript declaration generator is also able to translate your own [[cheerp::jsexport]] types and types from Clientlib.

class [[cheerp::jsexport]] Vec2 {
double x, y;
Vec2(double x, double y) : x(x), y(y) {}
double length() const { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); }
client::TArray<client::String*>* keys(client::Object\* object) {
return client::Object::keys(object);
export interface Vec2 {
length(): number;
delete(): void;
type __Options = { buffer: ArrayBuffer } | { absPath: String | URL };
export default function(options?: __Options): Promise<{
Vec2: {
new(x: number, y: number): Vec2;
keys(_object: object): Array<string>;


TypeScript declaration generator internals

The implementation of this is actually fairly simple.

To generate the JavaScript bindings, for each [[cheerp::jsexport]] declaration, some metadata is added to the module during compilation. The metadata nodes store all [[cheerp::jsexport]] function signatures, classes, and members of those classes. When generating the JavaScript output, we look for these metadata nodes and use them to generate the JavaScript bindings.

For the generation of TypeScript declarations, we can reuse the same metadata nodes. It is as simple as iterating over the metadata and outputting everything to a file in the right format.

One extra complexity with the TypeScript output is that we need to be able to inspect the types of function arguments and return values. The function signatures themselves only offer a mangled name for these types, and it’s up to us to demangle and parse this name ourselves. For example, when we encounter _ZN6client6TArrayIPNS_6StringEEE, we must first parse this string to see that it’s a client::TArray of client::String pointers, and then we must translate this into the appropriate TypeScript type, Array<string>.

We also have some special handling for Clientlib types. The client namespace is removed, TArray becomes just Array, _Union becomes a TypeScript union, _Function becomes a TypeScript function, and primitive types are translated to their TypeScript equivalent.

From TypeScript to C++ headers

Calling into C++ from JavaScript is only one side of the story. We must also be able to call JavaScript functions from C++. You may need to call your own JavaScript code, call functions of the DOM, or maybe even a third party library.

Let’s start by writing a function in JavaScript that we want to call from C++.

function square(x) {
return x * x;

With Cheerp, by declaring this function in C++ in the client namespace, we will then be able to call it from C++.

namespace [[cheerp::genericjs]] client {
double square(double x);
int main() {
std::cout << client::square(2) << std::endl; // prints "4"
Terminal window
/opt/cheerp/bin/clang++ main.cpp -o main.js
cat library.js main.js | node


Writing these declarations by hand has the same issues as before. It’s tedious. We have to repeat each declaration, once in JavaScript, and once to declare it in C++. And if we ever change the signature of square, we need to update the C++ signature as well.

To solve this, we have developed ts2cpp. ts2cpp is a program that converts TypeScript declaration files into C++ headers that can be used with Cheerp.

Ideally we would write the square function in TypeScript. But let’s start by seeing how far we can get without touching the square function. Let’s pretend it’s part of some third party library that we cannot modify.

We can use the TypeScript compiler to generate a declaration file from JavaScript code.

Terminal window
npx tsc library.js --allowJs --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly
declare function square(x: any): number;

Not bad! While it wasn’t able to figure out the type of the function argument, it still got the correct return type.

Now we can use ts2cpp to generate a C++ header.

Terminal window
ts2cpp library.d.ts -o library.h --pretty
#ifndef LIBRARY_H
#define LIBRARY_H
#include <cheerp/clientlib.h>
namespace [[cheerp::genericjs]] client {
double square(const _Any& x);

The _Any type is from Clientlib, which I will explain in detail later.

We can call the square function just as we did before. But instead of needing to declare it manually, we can include the automatically generated library.h.

namespace [[cheerp::genericjs]] client {
double square(double x);
#include "library.h"
int main() {
std::cout << client::square(2) << std::endl; // prints "4"

Improving type information

One obvious flaw is that we are missing some type information about the square function. We know that this function should only accept a numeric argument, but it was typed as _Any. This means we can also pass, for example, a string.

client::square(new client::String("hello")) // returns "NaN"

We could manually edit the generated declaration file…

declare function square(x: any): number;
declare function square(x: number): number;

While this might work as a last resort, this is not any better than manually writing the whole declaration in C++ to begin with. And if we ever need to regenerate the declaration file, our changes will be lost.

A better solution is to add this type information directly to the square function, with TypeScript!

function square(x: number) {
return x * x;

We then use the TypeScript compiler to generate both the JavaScript library, and also another declaration file. But this time, the declaration file will have the correct argument type for the square function.

Terminal window
npx tsc library.ts --declaration

After regenerating library.h again with ts2cpp, we now get an error when we try to pass a string to the square function.

main.cpp:7:30: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'double' with an rvalue of type 'client::String *'
std::cout << client::square(new client::String("hello")) << std::endl;
./library.h:5:23: note: passing argument to parameter 'x' here
double square(double x);


ts2cpp is a TypeScript declaration to C++ header transpiler. Its structure consists of multiple passes. Some passes transform the code into another representation, while other passes only modify it.

The first step is to actually parse the TypeScript declaration files into a TypeScript AST. For this, we use the TypeScript Compiler API.

One problem with the AST is that the declaration of a single entity can be split up and scattered around in multiple different AST nodes, or even different files.

declare interface Foo {
hello(): void;
declare interface Foo {
world(): void;

The above code only declares a single interface, but its body is scattered across multiple AST nodes. The second step, which I called “discovery” is to walk the entire AST and group together nodes that belong to the same entity.

The third step is to convert the grouped TypeScript AST into a C++ AST. To name just a few of the conversions that take place in this step:

  • Any TypeScript entity that can be directly translated into a C++ entity is translated as such.
  • TypeScript types are converted to C++ types.
  • Functions with optional arguments are converted to overloaded functions.
  • Fields of a variable or members of a namespace with the same name as a class are converted to static members of the class.
  • Generic constraints are converted to std::enable_if templates and static_asserts.

And much more.

Some transformations can only be applied after the whole C++ AST has been generated. The next few steps examine and modify the C++ AST.

  • Duplicate declarations are removed.
  • Some base classes are made virtual to deal with diamond inheritance.
  • using declarations are added for common methods from base classes that would otherwise be shadowed by methods in the derived class.

The final step is to actually write the C++ declarations to a file.

It is important to make sure that declarations are written in the correct order. We cannot simply forward declare every class at the start. Some declarations depend on the complete declaration of another class. For example, base classes must be complete, they cannot only be forward declared. This is further complicated by the possibility of nested classes, which have restrictions on where they can be forward declared or completed.

ts2cpp is a complex program with many components. To explain how it all works in detail here would make this post even longer than it already is. For more information about the internals of ts2cpp, such as how it handles dependency resolution, you can have a look at its extensively commented source code.


An important feature of Cheerp is that it allows you to seamlessly call JavaScript and browser APIs from C++ code. This functionality is provided by a collection of headers that we call Clientlib. The headers contain a long list of declarations for these APIs, with some extra utility functions to help with common tasks such as type casting and string conversions.

#include <cheerp/clientlib.h>
int main() {
client::console.log("Hello, World!");

With the introduction of ts2cpp, we are doing a complete overhaul of Clientlib. With improved type information, addition of modern APIs, integration with C++ coroutines, and more. Except for a few utility functions, the new headers are generated automatically by ts2cpp from the TypeScript declarations for these APIs.

Let’s take a look at some of the awesome things you can do with the new Clientlib, and also discuss some of the problems we had to solve to make it all work.

Coroutine support

This is perhaps my favorite feature of the new Clientlib. You can now use co_await in functions that return a client::Promise. You can also use co_await to await client::Promise instances.

#include <cheerp/coroutine.h>
#include <cheerp/client.h>
using namespace client;
Promise<String*>* randomUUID() {
Response* response = co_await *fetch("");
Object* json = (co_await *response->Body::json())->cast();
co_return (*json)["uuid"]->cast();

Pointers as template parameters

For template classes, such as client::TArray, if the type parameter is a class type, it must now be a pointer. With the old Clientlib, you would write TArray<String>*. This must now be TArray<String*>*.

This change is slightly controversial. There is a lot of existing code that uses the old way of writing type parameters, which now has to be updated. One could also argue that TArray<String>* looks cleaner than TArray<String*>*.

The main benefit of the new approach is that we can easily support TArray<double>. To see why this is the case, let’s write a template function pop. pop removes and returns the last element in a TArray<T>.

template<class T>
T* pop(client::TArray<T>* array) {
// We can just call the pop method that already exists on `TArray`.
return array->pop();

This is how you would have written pop for the old Clientlib. The template argument T can be inferred from the type of the array argument. When passing in a TArray<String>, T is String, and the function returns String*. Awesome stuff.

Less awesome, though, is what happens when we pass in a TArray<double>. We want pop to return double, not double*. But when passing in a TArray<double>, T is double, and the function returns double*.

We could work around this with some template magic, but that would also be very ugly.

FixTemplateType<T> pop(client::TArray<T>* array) {

If we require that arrays of strings are TArray<String*> instead of TArray<String>. We can rewrite the pop function to just return T.

template<class T>
T* pop(client::TArray<T>* array) {
T pop(client::TArray<T>* array) {
return array->pop();

Now, when passing in a TArray<String*>, the return type will be String*, as expected. When passing in a TArray<double>, the return type will be double.

After some discussion, we decided that using pointers when the type argument is a class type is an improvement over not using pointers, and we should make the switch sooner rather than later.

Virtual inheritance

Another interesting change is how we deal with diamond inheritance. For example, TypeScript defines the Element interface to inherit from Node, ChildNode and ParentNode. ChildNode and ParentNode themselves inherit from Node.

The old Clientlib did not support diamond inheritance. Base classes had to be removed until there was no longer any diamond inheritance. As a result of this, the ChildNode and ParentNode classes did not inherit from Node, were missing many functions from the Node class, and could not be static_cast to Node.

The new Clientlib solves this using virtual inheritance. This is still zero-cost because all classes in the client namespace are compiled to opaque references to JavaScript objects. There is one downside, while you can static_cast from ChildNode to Node, you cannot static_cast from Node to ChildNode when Node is a virtual base of ChildNode. This is still an improvement over the old Clientlib, though, as before you could not cast between Node and ChildNode at all.

Type casting

To deal with the shortcomings of static_cast, client types now have an extra cast method.

The first overload of cast takes as a type argument the type that we want to cast to. The second overload does not take any type arguments, but returns an intermediate object that implements a generic operator T(). The type of the conversion operator can often be inferred, and does not need to be explicitly specified in that case.

Fancy types

Clientlib fancy types

The _Any type

This is a pretty simple improvement. Not all client types are objects. Primitives, such as numbers and booleans, do not inherit from Object. It is sometimes useful to say that a value can have any type. What do we call the type for such a value? TypeScript calls it any, we call it _Any.

The _Union type

_Union is a template type that can hold a value of any of the types listed in its template arguments. Continuing with the TypeScript analogies, _Union<T...> is similar to T | ... in TypeScript. For example, the third argument to the addEventListener function can be a boolean, or an object of type AddEventListenerOptions. To specify this, the function signature uses the type const _Union<bool, AddEventListenerOptions*>&.

Union types solve another problem that might not be immediately obvious. To see why, first let’s discuss the alternative.

Uint8Array has a constructor that takes either an ArrayBuffer*, a SharedArrayBuffer* or an ArrayLike<double>*. Instead of using a union type in the constructor, we could instead generate 3 separate overloads.

Uint8Array(ArrayBuffer* array);
Uint8Array(SharedArrayBuffer* array);
Uint8Array(ArrayLike<double>* array);

Uint8Array also has a get_buffer method. This method returns an ArrayBuffer* or a SharedArrayBuffer*. We cannot use the same overload trick with return types, so it must still return a union.

_Union<ArrayBuffer*, SharedArrayBuffer*>* get_buffer();

Ideally, we should be able to directly pass the result of get_buffer to the constructor of Uint8Array. This does not work with the overloads because each individual signature is not compatible with the union type returned by get_buffer.

new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()); // error
new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()->cast()); // error: ambiguous
new Uint8Array(array->get_buffer()->cast<ArrayBuffer*>()); // ok

By instead using a const reference union type for the constructor, we can directly pass the result of get_buffer to the constructor without the need for any casts.

Uint8Array(const _Union<ArrayBuffer*, SharedArrayBuffer*, ArrayLike<double>*>& array);

The _Function type

_Function is a type safe first-class function type that is used for passing functions to higher order functions. The template argument to _Function is a C-style function type that specifies the return value and arguments of the function. _Function types can be constructed from raw function pointers and from C++11 lambdas.

Type conversions

You will often find the _Any, _Union, and _Function types passed by const reference. Passing by const reference allows these types to be implicitly constructed from other compatible types. The rules for these conversions are specified by the cheerp::CanCast helper template, which mostly mimics the rules of TypeScript.

_Any can be constructed from any other type. _Union can be constructed from any type that can be converted to any of the types in the union. _Function can be constructed from other functions with a covariant return type and an equal or smaller number of contravariant arguments.

Three.js demo

With ts2cpp, we can generate C++ headers not only from our own TypeScript declarations, but also from third party libraries!

Three.js is a 3D graphics library for JavaScript. TypeScript declarations for Three.js are also available in a separate npm package.

Let’s make a simple spinning cube to see how we can use Three.js in C++.

First, we need to generate a C++ header for the Three.js library.

Terminal window
ts2cpp $(find node_modules/\@types/three/src -type f) node_modules/\@types/webxr/index.d.ts --out three.h --namespace THREE

All of the business logic is implemented in C++.

#include <cheerp/client.h>
#include "three.h"
using namespace client;
using namespace client::THREE;
void run(HTMLCanvasElement* element) {
using BoxStandardMesh = Mesh<BoxGeometry*, MeshStandardMaterial*, Object3DEventMap*>;
auto* rendererParameters = new WebGLRendererParameters();
auto* materialParameters = new MeshStandardMaterialParameters();
auto* scene = new Scene();
auto* renderer = new WebGLRenderer(rendererParameters);
auto* camera = new PerspectiveCamera(75, element->get_clientWidth() / element->get_clientHeight(), 0.1, 1000);
auto* cube = new BoxStandardMesh(new BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1), new MeshStandardMaterial(materialParameters));
auto* light = new HemisphereLight("white", "black", 1.0);
scene->add(cube, light);
_Function<void(double)>* animate = new _Function<void(double)>([&]() {
auto* rotation = cube->get_rotation();
rotation->set_x(rotation->get_x() + 0.01);
rotation->set_y(rotation->get_y() + 0.01);
renderer->render(scene, camera);

We compile this with Cheerp into an ES6 module.

Terminal window
/opt/cheerp/bin/clang++ main.cpp -o main.js -target cheerp -cheerp-make-module=es6

Now we just need some JavaScript glue to import Three.js and call the run function…

window.THREE = await import("three");
const { default: init } = await import("../lib/three-demo.js");
const { run } = await init();

Et voilà. We have a spinning cube in C++.

The author

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